Due to the secretive nature of this project and my agreement with both Disney Research & Development as well as Spectral Motion, Inc., I can only disclose very rudimentary information about my involvement with Stuntronics.
In May of 2017, I was asked by Spectral Motion, Inc. CEO, Mike Elizalde, to speak with a representative from Disney R&D about the prospect of creating an animatronic figure, a robot, that was capable of specific acrobatic movements.
I led a team of engineers at Spectral Motion including Mark Setrakian, Grant Imahara, and Richard Landon in the creation of prototype figures capable of being thrown up to 65 feet in the air and a distance of nearly 80 feet.
We began our research and building in May 2017, and by October 2017 presented Disney executives with 2 figures: A pneumatic figure that swung from a pendulum and into a net, as well as an electric figure that became our first "outside" prototype. At the end of July 2018, all of our materials were officially turned over to Disney Imagineering for park implementation. The original reveal date was May 2020, but has been postponed due to extenuating circumstances.